Saturday, January 7, 2012

High heels , Yes/No? Wanna learn to walk in high heels?

I must admit I love high heels and the higher the better... however not every woman can wear them, I have friends that suffer from incredible back pain every time they wear high heels and others claim they can't walk with them.

But we must admit that they look really nice on, when  you are wearing a dress and they make your legs look longer :-), even the lowest heels can make a difference.

Recently I went hunting for these shoes for a friend and it is not so easy to find stylish, modern and low heeled shoes, most of the shoes you can find are too ¨oldish¨ style....

After visiting many shops, I believe that Mango and Zara offer the best selection in price, style and color and there are options from 5 to 8 cm (not too high) in leather, suede and glitter styles.

Red shoe is from Mango,  the others are Zara's 
I also recommend to pass by the shops, I cannot find online all the shoes I saw in the shops.

You may also try shoes with platform (or hidden platform), they look higher but you will feel more comfortable.Try them on.

I have to admit that watching a woman wearing amazing shoes but struggling to walk with them, it is the least glamourous thing.

Did you know that there are courses to learn to walk in high heels?

In Paris the "Talons Academy" and in Belgium "The High Heels Academy" offer courses in which you learn to walk in high heels and increase your confidence, control and grace, advice you on the type of heels to wear and give you tips to avoid back and foot pain.

Sounds like a good plan for a girl´s afternoon out!

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